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The Welcome Directory

10 November 2016

The Welcome Directory has a simple yet powerful vision: to help faith communities become places where people who leave prison find acceptance. A place to belong that not only nurtures faith but also offers appropriate practical support.

People are at the very heart of this work; people who have found the benefits of being part of a faith community whether inside or outside the prison gates. If nothing else, we hope that engaging with The Welcome Directory will help you to understand that in a deeper way; that those leaving prison have a name, a story as well as hopes and dreams for their lives beyond the prison gate.

The Welcome Directory is creating a nationwide directory of faith communities who have identified themselves as places that will provide a genuine welcome and appropriate support for people leaving prison.

The Welcome Directory is a community, a resettlement tool and a movement.

In essence it is about connection:

  • Connecting people to ideas.
  • Connecting people to each other.
  • Connecting faith communities to prisons and to those charities and agencies who work to help people resettle after a time in prison.

To find out more information click on the picture below:
