News from Grenada June 2024
Some of you will be aware that we had a visit from Hurricane Beryl on 1st July. The Government did well to warn us so people could get to emergency shelters if they needed to and to stock up on supplies. It hit the north and the two small islands part of Grenada got hit worst. Many houses have become uninhabitable and much devastation to farm lands in Carriacou.
The northern part of the island where I live was hit badly and many roofs came off. The school hall next to my house lost its roof and was being used as an emergency shelter. I am told they went to the toilet block and then another block. Later moving to another school once the storm was over.
Water, electricity and internet are being restored, but to date I don’t have internet or electricity, but I did get more candles today! On Tuesday and Wednesday after, I walked over to the communities around my church to check on people. Some of the roads had been blocked, but they seemed to be cleared quickly.
When you talk to people they say Thank God for Life. With all the trees down, it could have killed people but as people were warned to stay in most were safe. There have been a few deaths.
At Mac Donald College there have been exams and then the Graduation and so not much for me to do other than the staff reflections. At the Graduation the vice principal and the school’s counsellor presented me with a leaving gift and they thanked me.
Parents Group we ran this for 6 weeks after school and had 3-5 parents. A small number, but the group went well and they who came were wanting to come back as they valued the support. I will pass the worksheets and material on to the Vice Principle for them to use. It was great they attended to see what I did.
Carriacou: In June I spent a few days on the island and it looks like that may be my final time. It has been a good place to get away from daily activities and do some reflection, read and walk. I am due to go in August to help with a Vocation Bible School at the Methodist Church, but I am not sure this will happen now.
At Church: We tried to hold a take away tea. The idea is people pay in advance and come and collect. We found we did not have enough people to help or produce the food and so tried to do a sale of used cloths. We raised about 510 Dollars, but having worked the timing around school coming out. That day was a union Birthday and so the school closed early and not many people were left around. We tried again but the Hurricane got in the way.
It is good that those planning the service for the 1st and 3rd Sunday are doing well. I had hoped to run a Worship workshop but the date fixed the hurricane stopped play. I will try again.
Last time I mentioned our Faith Journey sessions and this has continued with 4 young people who are interested in membership.
Hall: There is till some work to be done but the water restriction has prevented cleaning it inside, but I hope to sweep and start to use for games soon. Still hopeful.
Youth group: We had our last Youth group and Children’s group at the end of June. It was sad. Some asked and some continue to ask about next year and I have to say there are no plans yet. I will pass the programmes and information I have over to people in Church and hope someone will pick it up sometime.
Primary School: I ran Transition workshop for 3 sessions both at the Samaritan Presbyterian Primary and at the Anglican Primary School. I think they went OK and I hope prepare young people for their step to Secondary school. Pre-school had graduation. The Primary Graduation was due in Hurricane week and so has been moved to Monday 15th July.
International Zoom Gathering: Sundays 4pm in Grenada and 9pm in the UK. We have now held 6 and will continue this trial until the end of July and then take a break for me to attend a few leaving events and review. It is great to get different people involved in this half hour type of on-line service. Meeting ID: 818 6102 9079
Last walk Grenada: From 22nd July I plan to walk the other way around Grenada. This year any money will be for a NEWLO - a training programme for young people who have left school in more practical skills like catering, plumbing, hair, child care etc. I hope a few people will walk with me, but Hurricane has got in the way of promotion.
Do come Last last chance: There is still opportunity to come out before I go. I am aware the travel cost is high, but I can accommodate you. I am always keen to arrange a Zoom meet up with individuals or groups Just make contact.
God Bless your Month
Nigel Lindsay
pastornigel19@ or what app +1 473 458 1932 or +142 7917 222 304