News from Grenada August 2024 - Nigel's Final News
Well 3 years have gone very fast. I arrived and went in to Quinten due to Covid19 on 25th August 2021 and leave just after much devastation of farm lands and structures due to Hurricane Beryl on 2nd Sept 2024. I will be sad to say goodbye to so many people. People are now saying they will miss me and when will I return? I would like to come back to visit, but do not want to promise as I like to do what I say I will do and only God knows the future.
I hope I have done my best in the time I have been here to serve people in the Community, Schools and Churches. I hope some of the ideas I have tried to model will be picked up by different people, but in a culturally appropriate way.
God had been good to me keeping me safe, well and giving me to chance to explore some of the beautiful country. I have enjoyed people calling out to me: Priest, Father, Reverend, Pastor and - occasionally - Nigel. I have enjoyed being spotted in many distant places by people who know me from the North, which has been my home. But that comes with some disadvantages, I must be on my best behaviour all the time.
MacDonald College:
Repair to the roof of the hall tuckshop and technical building have not yet started and so I do not know how that will affect the start of term on 2nd Sept. I have been able to pass on lesson plans, reflections and assembly material, along with the parent group material for future use.
The Bible Holiday club, I was due to help with has been cancelled due to the hurricane. It is a shame I will not get the chance to say goodbye to those from the Methodist Church and many friends I have spent time with at Addies Dream guest house.
At Church:
We welcomed 3 Young people into covenanted membership at the end of July. The same day I baptised one of them. It was a great joy following the 3 months of sessions with them asking so many questions. A fourth chose not to go ahead with membership due to her age and having spoken with mum.
We have identified someone to be the Church coordinator for the next months to support the Elders and Seniors, and to help with planning and organisation. The Rev James, who is the moderator and planned to have some limited involvement with both Churches in the countryside, has been ill. For the time he will just focus on the St Georges Church. I have been trying to help people in the north plan for this. We ran a Worship workshop early in August and trying to get plans in place. The Church are planning a leaving meal for me on 24th August and my last service will be 25th.
The St Georges Church have invited me to preach on 1st Sept before I leave and are accommodating me in St Georges for my last two days for easier airport access.
Belair Church:
Had some of its roof off in the Hurricane and since I have led services at a member’s house twice as Rev James has been unable. We have had between 11 and 15 people for worship, when at the Church we get just 5 most times and I feel it has been more spiritually connected.
Samaritan Hall:
Has now been spray cleaned and some of the young people have been painting the small room we hope to use for Sunday school and Youth. I spent a lot of time moping paint from the floor, but generally they have been doing a good job and had great fun. We now have the table tennis table over from the school and the bigger space can be used for indoor games. We have badminton set up and started today with games space.
Youth Growth group:
Following the useful preparation for Membership they have agreed to continue a fortnightly growth group after Church on 1st and 3rd Sundays. Do pray for them.
Primary School:
I was invited to their graduation which had to be delayed a week due to the hurricane and then to the meal after. It was a great privilege. I was presented with plaque of thanks. I have had support from some teachers with regard to my start up project. I presently have no internet at home so the primary school balcony has become a second home with an internet connection.
Startup Project:
An adult and a child can apply for $500 to continue or start up a small business. Following some explanation of expectations and training 10 families have received funding and are now buying goats, pigs, chickens and herbs. I will check them before I leave and friends will follow up with checks and more training later.
Last walk Grenada:
From 22nd July we walked the other way around Grenada. This year any money will be for NEWLO, a training programme for young people who have left school in more practical skills. It was good to walk with others, but difficult with different paces. Hilary walked all and raised about £1000 for Carriacou and I raised about $420 for NEWLO. Jahmanie, a 12-year-old, walked all the first day and last day, and Maggie the last two days. The last few miles we were joined by staff from the primary school.
International Zoom Gathering:
This took place from mid May until the end of July with between 5 and 15 screens. It may restart once I have re-settled. It was great to get different people involved. Thank you
What Next?
God is still keeping me on hold. I will return to the UK and I think we have agreed I would not be going to another placement before January 2025 - if I am going. I may stay in the UK. I value your prayers at this transition time.
I am happy to come and talk or be interviewed about my time here in Grenada. I am happy to come and run a training or workshop on something useful, like pastoral care, worship, Youth/children’s programmes, leadership skills, Leading small groups, mission ideas. Just ask.
God Bless your Month
Nigel Lindsay
pastornigel19@ or what app +1 473 458 1932 or +142 7917 222 304