Policy Documents
Available for download opposite is a range of documents to assist churches in employment matters.
This information is updated and added to by our Human Resources Consultant, Peter Flower.
Full details of this service is to be found on the main Human Resources Page.
While every care has been taken in compiling these notes, they are not intended to be a substitute for specific legal advice. Dickinson-Flower Ltd is not able to provide legal advice but will give information based on employee relations best practice. Specific legal advice, if required, should be obtained from a qualified lawyer specialising in employment law. Dickinson-Flower Ltd ©.
1. Disciplinary
2. Grievance
3. Health & Safety
4. Confidentiality & Data Protection
5. Diversity & Equal Opportunities
6. Retirement
7. Redundancy
8. Flexible Working
9. Maternity Policy
10. Paternity Policy
11. Parental Leave Policy
12. Adoption Policy
13. Shared Parental Leave Policy
14. Time Off Work Policy
15. Social Media Policy
16. IT Policy