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How is Christ’s Will Discerned by the Church?

In general, it is revealed through a study of the scriptures and through prayer, making due allowance for the gathered experience of Christian men and women throughout the centuries.

In particular, it is made known through the church meeting, through its prayers and thoughtful and considerate discussions. Although Christ is present in the fellowship, the gathered church has considerable responsibility and liberty in thought, worship and government. Each church must, therefore, try to interpret and carry out Christ’s will, relying upon the guidance of his Spirit. At the church meeting, all the covenant members seek together to discover the will of Christ for their fellowship and are guided into a common mind by the Holy Spirit. Neither bullying nor pressuring of others should occur but patient ‘waiting on the Lord’ may be necessary, calling for tender restraint sometimes on the part of committed enthusiasts.

An extract from: The Nature of the Household of Faith - some principles of Congregationalism - A Primer for the Congregational Federation.